The following instructions below will be for programming a TR7 for a (10) second delay, Please be sure to read these instructions thoroughly prior to programming, as the programming is a timed portion.
Feature set (6) Pulse Extender / Delayed Turnoff
It is suggested to program the TR7 on a test bench for ease of testing functionality and programming.
You will only need the Black ground wire and Red power wire connected for programming.
You will also use the Brown wire to program the TR7 by pulsing that wire to ground.
To start, Unplug the TR7 and flip the program switch to on (away from connector). Plug in the TR7 back in.
Tap the Brown wire to ground (6) times. After a couple seconds the module will flash (6) times for confirmation.
Then tap the Brown wire to ground (1) time to begin the timer portion. You will see a series of double pulses.
The first double pulse is for the minutes place, the following set of double pulses will be 2 double pulses back to back.
The 2 double pulses back to back is for the 10s of seconds place. You will tap the brown wire to ground for this set of double pulses.
When you see the (2) double pulses back to back, then you will tap the Brown wire to ground (1) times for the (10) second delay.
Then, there will be a series of 3 double pulses back to back. This is for the seconds place. Do not tap the Brown wire to ground during this section.
Then, You will see a series of 4 double pulses back to back.
Wait for a series of fast flashes, It will look like the module is freaking out, once the LED has turned off that will indicate the end of programming
Unplug the TR7 and flip the program switch to off
For Testing the TR7.
You will Connect the Red wire to constant 12 volts, and the Black wire to ground.
Put your Meter lead on the Blue wire.
Hold the Brown wire to ground.
The Blue wire will have 12 volts upon the Brown wire being grounded.
Once you remove the Brown wire from ground, the Blue wire will continue to have 12 volts for (10) Seconds.
When installing the TR7 the Red wire has to be connected to 12 volt constant for Delayed turn off to work. You can use either the Brown wire or Green wire to trigger the TR7 to do Delayed Turn off.
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