In 2020 we decided to make a redesign of the RP5 module lineup along with some maintenance and feature additions. This change led to the usage of a similar module housing that we have used in other applications for the current RP5 models. There are 2 different manuals since the two modules look different and will need to be installed differently from each other. The simplest way to identify the two types is to look at the primary color of the modules housing/case.
Use the images below to identify which version of the module you have.
Black Box (New) | Blue Box (Legacy Housing) |
Once you have determined what version of the module you have, please search for the part number on the module on the PAC Website to find and locate your manual.
The manual you will choose is based on the above identification. Once you are on the PAC-Audio website, your manuals will be listed as shown below. Circled is the correct manual to choose when you have a "Black Box" PAC module pertaining to your specific part number. Full part numbers have been redacted to aid in clarification/
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